Help Ukrainian Orphanage in Lviv

Dear friends,
Thank you so much for all your help!! We are overwhelmed by your quick and generous response, from straightforward donations to children emptying their piggy banks to people organizing activities to in order raise money for the orphanage. Your contribution is truly invaluable and will make a real difference in the lives of these children.
This orphanage is in the Western part of Ukraine and therefore further from the front lines and relatively safe, compared to the terrible situation in other major Ukrainian cities. It may host more evacuees in the future. At the moment there are 85 kids. They will be supported by your generous contributions.
For now the orphanage has enough funds to cover the children’s needs in this emergency.
We will keep the campaign open, though, as the orphanage will need financial support when peace comes too.The children, the director and staff of the orphanage are very grateful for your support, they thank you all from the bottom of their hearts for standing with Ukrainian children in this disaster. You are not only making a financial contribution, you are offering hope and showing them you care in this horrible time!
I am deeply touched by the generosity of people I personally know but also those friends of my friends who I have not (yet!) met face to face. I hope to have an opportunity to thank you in person when this crisis passes.
Dear friends,
My campaign is to help children in the orphanage in Lviv, Western Ukraine. My mother worked in this orphanage for over 30 years. They have 50 children under four years of age whose parents died, gave the children away or were deprived of parental rights. This orphanage has a wonderful staff, some of them I know from my childhood. One of my closest friends works there too. In the last several days more than 40 toddlers arrived as evacuees from an orphanage in Luhansk, in the east of the country. Several times a day they need to go into an unequipped basement at the sound of the air sirens. They ask when the tanks will come. For now, they need mattresses, warm blankets, sleeping bags and flashlights for the bomb shelter. Winter jackets and warm shoes that are easy to put on. They will also need additional furniture to accommodate the little evacuees. And new art supplies and games so the children could try to forget about the tanks and the air raid sirens.
The orphanage doesn’t have a foreign currency account for now to transfer money directly, but I will collect your donations and get them to the orphanage as soon as possible. You know me.
You can see the orphanage here:
(only in Ukrainian and the content is 2-3 years old, they don’t have resources for regular updates, but you can get an impression)
Please help.